Abacus Planning Group President Cheryl Holland helps simplify financial planning strategies for United Way of the Midlands Young Leaders Society

February 16, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – January 29, 2009 – Lately, stories of national and local economic struggles saturate the media, but Ms. Cheryl R. Holland, certified financial planner and President of Abacus Planning Group, offered some perspective at United Way of the Midlands Young Leaders Society’s Learning with Leaders event on January 29, 2009—Financial Success in Any Environment.

An audience of young professionals gathered at the AT&T Auditorium and listened intently as Holland explained the importance of insurance, the best ways to invest, what to avoid in order to become financially successful and how to start investing early both as an individual and as a family.

While Holland touched on various aspects of financial planning, one hour was barely enough time for the brief overview she provided. To supplement the information she shared, she also provided attendees with valuable websites and books ranging from the financial psychology to programs South Carolina offers to help parents save for their children’s college education.


Valeda Collins, United Way of the Midlands, Ginny Waller, Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands and Victoria McDermott

I liked her approach, said Kristie Cross, Young Leaders Society Steering Committee member. Some financial planners seem to think their way is the only way, but she seemed to really understand people’s individual needs. I’ve already put some of her advice into action in my own life. I’m really glad I attended this event.

YLS hosts learning with leaders events such as this every few months and each is centered on a topic that is relevant to community leaders ages 21-45. How to Market Yourself, the next Learning with Leaders event scheduled for June, will feature information for young professionals seeking a career change or looking to grow in their current career. United Way of the Midlands Young Leaders Society will also host their annual Cocktails & Conversations event in May, which is a great chance for the leaders of tomorrow to mingle with current community leaders and generous philanthropists that are United Way of the Midlands Alexis De Tocqueville Society members.

Details will be available early spring. Go to www.ylsmidlands.com  or visit the YLS Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=10837859970&ref=ts later this month to learn about these and other YLS events going on in 2009.