Eat Smart, Move More…SC to Host 2009 Obesity Prevention Summit

April 8, 2009

US Surgeon General to Deliver Keynote

Who:   Eat Smart, Move More…SC, the only statewide organization dedicated to advocating and building capacity and collaboration to support evidence-based action on the issue of obesity prevention in South Carolina. 

The South Carolina Obesity Prevention Summit is appropriate for professionals in public health, healthcare, education, nutrition, physical activity and the media.

 What:   The fourth annual Obesity Prevention Summit, ‘Building Leadership for Healthy Communities,” will be hosted by Eat Smart, Move More…SC and will feature a keynote presentation by Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson, MD, MPH, Acting US Surgeon General and Acting Assistant Secretary for Health.

 Why:  Obesity rates in South Carolina have more than doubled since 1990, with almost two-thirds of our citizens considered overweight or obese. This translates into monumental problems our state must confront and overcome in terms of serious health conditions, rising healthcare costs and a decline in the overall quality of life for affected citizens.

Eat Smart, Move More…SC’s 2009 Obesity Prevention Summit will bring key players together to discuss, understand and address the causes, affects and prevention methods of obesity. It will offer an interactive and engaging look at best and promising practices to impact healthy eating and include sessions on grant writing, complete streets and increasing access to healthy foods.

 When:   Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 9:00 am until 4:30 pm

  • 9:15 am –   Adewale Troutman, MD, MPH, MA –   Presentation on “Health Equity”
  • 12:00 noon –     US Surgeon General Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson, MD, MPH – Presentation on “Healthy Youth for a Healthy Future”

 Where:  Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, 1101 Lincoln Street, Columbia, SC


For more information about Eat Smart, Move More…SC and the 2009 Obesity Prevention Summit or to register online, please visit our Web site at

 For more information about Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson, MD, MPH, Acting US Surgeon General and Acting Assistant Secretary for Health, please visit