Fatz Café to host pancake breakfast to benefit United Way June 6!

May 22, 2009

What:               Pancake Breakfast

Fatz Café on Broad River Road will host a community pancake breakfast to benefit United Way of the Midlands. A portion of the ticket sales will go to United Way and the servers will be donating all of their tips. Additionally, your own United Way campaign team, both staff and volunteers, will be serving up the hotcakes!   


Who:                United Way of the Midlands and Fatz Café


When:              Saturday, June 6, 2009


Where:             Fatz Café in Irmo

                        7420 Broad River Road

                        Irmo, SC 29063


Reservations:   Tickets are $7 each and can be purchased at United Way of the Midlands
                            located downtown at 1800 Main Street and online at www.uway.org/events.


About United Way of the Midlands

United Way of the Midlands is the most organized, efficient and accountable system for investing in the community.  With over 80 certified partner agencies, United Way works to identify and respond to the critical human service needs of Calhoun, Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg and Richland counties.  Funds are raised through workplace campaigns, grant writing and individual donations.  For more information, please visit www.uway.org.