Lexington Medical Center’s Cancer Support Group to Hold Yard Sale

April 15, 2009

WEST COLUMBIA, SC – April 14, 2009 – Lexington Medical Center’s cancer support group will hold a yard sale on Saturday, May 2nd, 2009 to raise money to support cancer patients and their families.  The sale will be at the Barnyard Flea Market on Highway 1 in West Columbia, beginning at 7:30 a.m.   

Each year, this sale plays a significant role in helping cancer patients and their families.  Last year, proceeds fulfilled a terminally ill support group member’s wish to go skydiving.  In addition, the sale paid for a husband with terminal cancer to go on a special trip with his wife to Hatteras, North Carolina, the place where they had met and married.  The sale has also helped pay for expensive medicine, supplies and transportation for support group members to get to clinical trials.   

Merchandise for sale includes appliances, tools, furniture, toys, household goods and home décor items.  People can donate items by calling Chris Gibson, cancer support group leader, at 939-8774.

Lexington Medical Center’s cancer support group, which is called Losing Is Not an Option, is a place of comfort for cancer patients and their families.  It’s for any cancer patient, in any stage, even in remission.  The group has approximately 25 members at all times.  The members are ages 40 and up, men and women, from all walks of life, caretakers and patients, some terminal and some not. 

Lexington Medical Center is working to lead the fight against cancer in South Carolina. We are the first hospital in our state to perform Microwave Ablation, a treatment that can destroy tumors with a minimally-invasive, outpatient procedure.  Our cancer program is also accredited by the American College of Surgeons.  And the breast health program at Lexington Medical Center averages 1.4 days from detection to diagnosis of breast cancer.  The Breast Health Program serves as a national benchmark and has been used at hospitals in eight states.

About Lexington Medical Center

Lexington Medical Center, in West Columbia, S.C., anchors a county-wide health care network that includes six community medical centers throughout Lexington County and employs a staff of 5,100 health care professionals.  The network also includes the largest extended care facility in the state, an occupational health center and physician practices.  At its heart is the 384-bed state-of-the-art Lexington Medical Center, with a reputation for the highest quality care.  Lexington Medical Center was voted one of the Best Places to Work by the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, Best Hospital by readers of The State for nine years in a row, Best Hospital by readers of the Free Times and Best Place to Have a Baby by readers of Palmetto Parent.  Visit www.lexmed.com or www.lexmed.tv.