Rhythmlink hosts Grand Opening Celebration

June 10, 2009

To see the photos from this event click here.

COLUMBIA, SC – June 5, 2009 – Rhythmlink International held their Grand Opening Celebration on Friday, June 5th for their new building located in Columbia Industrial Park. 

The new, larger facility includes:

  • 8,000 square-feet of office space;
  • 10,800 square feet of warehouse space;
  • 1,200 square-foot engineering lab;
  • 15 offices;
  • 2,000 square-feet of multi-use ‘flex’ space;
  • kitchen;
  • two conference rooms;
  • employee workroom and
  • gym.


To see the photos from this event click here.

Rhythmlink International, LLC

Rhythmlink International, LLC designs, manufactures and distributes neurodiagnostic accessories and provides custom OEM and contract manufacturing solutions to its customers.  Based in Columbia, S.C., Rhythmlink was established in 2002 and is owned and operated by CEO Shawn Regan and COO Michael O’Leary.  Rhythmlink’s advancements and improvements in the areas of technology, business development and corporate branding have been recognized by entities such as the Columbia Information Technology Council, Inc. Magazine and the International Academy of the Visual Arts.  For more information about Rhythmlink International, its products or services, visit www.Rhythmlink.com.