SC Congressional Delegation to Join Business Community for Washington Night

April 8, 2009

WHO:             South Carolina Chamber of Commerce

  • U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (confirmed) and Lindsey Graham (confirmed)
  • U.S. Representatives Jim Clyburn (confirmed), Henry Brown, Joe Wilson (confirmed)
  • Gresham Barrett, Bob Inglis (confirmed) and John Spratt
  • More than 300 business leaders from across the state


WHAT:           Washington Night in South Carolina

In addition, from 1 p.m.-4 p.m., the South Carolina Chamber will host a special symposium discussing several pertinent federal issues, including the dangerous Employee Free Choice Act, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, immigration, wages and more. To register for this event, visit or e-mail Andi Gougarty at [email protected].


WHERE:         Marriott Columbia

                        1200 Hampton Street


WHEN:           Tuesday, April 14

                        4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


WHY:              Washington Night in South Carolina will engage the state’s congressional delegation and approximately 300 of the state’s most influential business leaders in dialogue on issues such as health care, free trade, infrastructure, the Employee Free Choice Act, climate change, energy independence, tourism and much more. These issues are each vital to increasing South Carolina’s global competitiveness and economic prosperity.

The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s first state chamber Accredited with Distinction by the U.S. Chamber, is the state’s largest statewide broad-based business and industry trade association representing more than 6,500 member companies and more than 600,000 member employees, with 90 percent of membership comprised of small businesses. As the unified voice for business and industry, the Chamber is a catalyst for increasing per capita income and enhancing the state’s global competitiveness in order to improve the quality of life for all South Carolinians.