Seminar to Focus on the Relationship Between Poverty and Academic Achievement

March 16, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – March 16, 2009 – TODAY

Who: Midlands Education and Business Alliance (MEBA), the Midlands Regional Education Center and Midlands Technical College to host the Midlands’ Focus on Poverty Seminar for area educators.

What: The Midlands’ Focus on Poverty is a two-day seminar designed to provide tips, strategies and resources for working with children and parents of poverty. 

Why:  Studies indicate a correlation between low socioeconomic status and low education achievement. With the economic challenges of today, we must seek to understand and combat the barriers poverty can raise against academic and personal achievement. In order to help all children succeed, our educational system must seek to understand and meet the unique needs of students of poverty. 

When:  Monday, March 16, 2009, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Sessions by:

Lorraine Faulds, Training and Development Director, OneStop/SC Employment Security Commission

John Lane, Ed.D., EEDA Educational Associate for Personal Pathways to Success, At Risk Youth, SC Department of Education

Sharon Harriott, Director of TRIO and Community Support Programs, Midlands Technical College

Melissa Mathis, Child Protective and Preventive Services Consultant, SC Department of Social Services

Rania Jamis, Director of Marketing and Development, Midlands Marketing and Development Corporation, Bible Way Church of Atlas Road


Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

Feature Presentation by Rita F. Pierson, Ed.D.

A nationally recognized consultant with aha! Process, Inc., Dr. Pierson is an associate of Dr. Ruby K. Payne and presenter of “A Framework for Understanding Poverty.” Dr. Pierson has been a professional educator since 1972, serving in numerous roles including an elementary, regular and special education teacher, junior high school teacher, counselor, assistant principal, director, testing coordinator and consultant. She developed and implemented a school/community involvement program for a large urban elementary school and organized and trained an in-school crisis team for students in need of immediate intervention.

Where: Midlands Technical College Airport Campus, Academic Center

1260 Lexington Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170

Midlands Education and Business Alliance (MEBA) is a non-profit organization working to connect students, parents, educators and employers to education and career opportunities in Richland, Lexington and Fairfield Counties through programs and partnerships of business, school, college, faith and other community leaders. Please visit

The Midlands Regional Education Center is a virtual network of local service providers and resources to help students and adults access the guidance and opportunities they require to become the prepared employees South Carolina needs to compete and excel in the global economy. Please visit