Vista Guild Welcomes New Board of Directors

February 23, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – February 16, 2009  – The Congaree Vista Guild, a non-profit, membership-based organization comprising a wide variety of restaurateurs, shop, business and gallery owners, as well as homeowners, in the Vista, has elected a new Board of Directors for 2009.

“Our Board is tirelessly devoted to the wellbeing of the Vista,” said Deirdre Mardon, executive director of the Vista Guild. “Its members spearhead all of our big events – Artista Vista, Viva la Vista and Vista Lights, but they are constantly contributing to the everyday quality of life in Columbia’s arts and entertainment district.”

Dale Marshall of Architrave has been elected president, Gretchen Lambert of Studio 2LR Architects has been named vice president and Polly Stout has been elected treasurer. Brittney Martin of RBC Bank has been elected to the Board, and Sewell Gelberd, president of the Guild in 2008, will remain on the 14-member Board.

“Our main goal will be to promote, develop and preserve the unique characteristics Columbia’s Congaree Vista has,” said Marshall. “ In a time when there’s a lot of change in the neighborhood, we want to focus on smart growth that’s beneficial for everyone.

The Vista has long been known as Columbia’s creative center, and more recently it’s become the Midlands’ place to go for nightlife and entertainment. The Board strives to encourage healthy growth in the Vista, while seeing that the Vista is a vibrant symbol of progressive growth in Columbia.

For more information on the Vista or to arrange interviews, contact Katie Alice Cox at Riley Communications at [email protected] or call 803.227.0914.