New Morning appoints Wilbur E. Johnson as new Board of Directors Chair

June 26, 2024

Charleston Attorney to Chair New Morning’s Board of Directors, Effective July 1

New Morning, a South Carolina nonprofit organization working to expand access to affordable contraceptive and family planning services across the state, recently appointed Charleston Attorney Wilbur E. Johnson as the new Chair of the Board of Directors, effective July 1.

Johnson, a practicing attorney in employment and labor law with Clement Rivers, LLP in Charleston and the firm’s Managing Partner from 2009 to 2023, has been on the Board of Directors for over 20 years, having previously served as both Vice-Chair from 2008-2012 and 2017-2024 and Chair from 2012-2016. Johnson will succeed former Board Chair Robert F. Key, President of CCM Investment Advisors.

Wilbur E. Johnson

“Wilbur has been a dedicated supporter of New Morning’s operations for many years, and the organization will benefit immensely from his visionary experience,” said Bonnie Kapp, President & CEO of New Morning. “At a time when we’re seeing more demand for contraceptive services than ever before, we need strong support and leadership within the organization to ensure that we continue to deliver on our commitment to provide equitable access to affordable birth control. From his years of active involvement in civic and charitable affairs in the local South Carolina community, I am confident in Wilbur’s ability to lead our Board of Directors and am grateful for his insight.”

In addition to his long-standing relationship with New Morning, Johnson has served as an active participant on several boards, most recently chairing the Board of Directors for Charleston’s International African American Museum. Johnson has also served as Chair of several other Charleston-based organizations including the Board of Trustees for the Historic Charleston Foundation, the Board of Directors for the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, and the Board of Directors for the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina. In addition, Johnson has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

“I am deeply honored to have been appointed as the Chair of the New Morning Board of Directors,” said Johnson. “In Charleston, the local impact of New Morning’s services run deep. It is vital that we continue providing thousands of patients with the access they need and investing these resources in rural communities. I am equally thrilled about the potential of New Morning’s future under Bonnie’s continued leadership. I look forward to working closely with our experienced and dedicated Board of Directors as we continue to further grow our reach to meet rising demands in contraceptive services and expand our impact across the state.”


About New Morning

New Morning is a nonprofit organization based in Columbia, S.C. that works to increase the publics’ access to information about family planning, counseling, and contraceptive services. For more information, visit and