30 Days of Fun
June 28, 2013By Cathy Rigg Monetti
June 28, 2013
This I believe about summer: It lasts about five days.
Here’s why I say that:
1. You hardly notice June. Right? What with the end-of-school whirlwind and graduations and weddings and the beach vacation, still in planning. There’s all that camp prep, and mowing and fertilizing and mulching. There’s the planting and the watering and the tiny flower blooms, still sweet and filled with promise.
2. And then along about June 25, it hits you. Wow. Summer is here.
3. And then: Can it really be July 4th already?
4. And that’s the end of summer, is what I’m saying. You blink and it’s August, that hateful season of Everything In The World Is Gearing Up Again and You’d Better, Too.
(dramatic pause)
As of now, right this very moment, I am launching 30 Days of Fun, my commitment to reveling in every spec of the season. I am going to add Something Fun (and this is the important part) That I Ordinarily Wouldn’t Have Made Time For to every day of summer.
(I’m excited already.)
Join me, won’t you?
I know these two are in, without even asking.
TheDailyGrace is the online journal of Cathy Rigg Monetti, writer and founder of Riggs Partners in Columbia, South Carolina. It chronicles the observations of ordinary days, in an ordinary life, and how extraordinary those days become when you simply pay attention. Follow TheDailyGrace blog here , or via Facebook or Twitter.
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