948 Acres of Remaining Dupont Teijin Films Facility Sold
February 16, 2012COLUMBIA, SC – February 16, 2012 – Tom Milliken, and Nick Stomski,SIOR, both members of NAI Avant’s Brokerage Team, sold the remaining 948acres of the DuPont Teijin Films Industrial Facility in Florence, SC.Milliken and Stomski both represented the Seller, E.I. du Pont deNemours. The Purchaser was Florence Development, LLC of Niagara,Wisconsin.
In December 2011, Florence Development, LLC purchased 32 buildingscomprising of over 1,200,000 square feet of space. Florence Development,LLC plans to use the facility for PET Warehousing and other ancillarywork. The property is located at the intersection of Highway 76 and 301in Florence County, South Carolina.
The total transaction was valued at $7,500,000.
Pictured: Tom Milliken and Nick Stomski
About Florence Development
Florence Development, LLC is a partnershipmade up of an operating company, known as Faith Group Company (FGC) andNiagara Worldwide, LLC. Faith Group Company focuses on domestic andinternational trading of PET materials, post-industrial scraps,post-consumer scraps and the relevant processing. Currently, FaithGroup Company is the largest PET recycling company in the world. FaithGroup Company has facilities in the USA, UK, Netherlands, Mexico,Argentina, Egypt and Hong Kong. Niagara Worldwide, LLC is a developmentspecialist serving in the capacity of Consulting, Construction,Demolition and Environmental Remediation along with Full scaleProperty Development Services.
About NAI Avant
NAI Avant’s commercialreal estate business is one of the largest in the Southeast. With over65 professionals, the firm provides comprehensive brokerage, leasing,development, property and project management services. For nearly threeconsecutive decades, the group has had more of its brokerageprofessionals recognized as top producers or recipients of the topawards than any other firm in South Carolina. As a member of the NAIGlobal Network, NAI Avant is affiliated with over 350 offices and 5,000professionals in 55 countries across the globe. NAI Global is thelargest independent commercial real estate service provider worldwideand a wholly owned subsidiary of C-III Capital Partners. NAI Avant’sProperty and Project Management Group currently manages a multi-millionsquare foot portfolio of properties across South Carolina, NorthCarolina, and Georgia. Through its Avant Healthcare Division, the firmprovides comprehensive services to hospitals, clinics, and physiciangroups. NAI Avant, founded in 1966, is headquartered in Columbia, SCwith an office in Charleston, SC. Find out more about NAI Avant and itsservices at www.naiavant.com. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @NAI Avantand like us on Facebook.