Middle Tyger Community Center receives Listen for Good grant

October 25, 2017

LYMAN, S.C. – Middle Tyger Community Center announced receipt of a national Listen for Good grant through the Fund for Shared Insight that will be used to collect feedback from clients to assist in directing the organization forward. Through the Fund for Shared Insight, nonprofits and funders across the United States are invited to participate in this simple but systematic and rigorous way of garnering opinions from the people at the heart of their work. Middle Tyger Community Center will receive $45,000 over two years as a Listen for Good grantee.

The Fund for Shared Insight, housed at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, was created in 2014 through a collaboration of funders across the country who had the desire to pool philanthropic dollars to make a greater impact. They developed an initiative called Listen for Good (L4G), which is dedicated to building the practice of listening to the people organizations seek to help.

With the help of both funding and technical assistance from the Fund for Shared Insight, Middle Tyger Community Center will embark on a two-year listening process to gain valuable feedback, data, and insight from its clients.

“Receiving input from our clients is vital to ensuring that we are providing the services and programs that they truly want and need, and not just what we think they should want or need,” said Andrea Moore, Executive Director at Middle Tyger Community Center.

Listen for Good also invites clients to give feedback on how they are treated by the organization’s staff and volunteers.

“We want everyone who enters our doors to feel respected and valued, and we welcome our clients’ input on ways we can improve both our services and the client experience,” says Moore.

Middle Tyger Community Center is the first organization in the state of South Carolina to receive this national grant. It was nominated jointly by The Spartanburg County Foundation and the Mary Black Foundation because of the organization’s commitment to evaluation and continuous improvement. Both The Spartanburg County Foundation and the Mary Black Foundation made a matching investment in the grant, helping to leverage national funding into Spartanburg County.

“Through Listen for Good, we are able to bring national foundation dollars to benefit our local community,” said Troy Hanna, President and CEO of The Spartanburg County Foundation.

“We look forward to learning alongside our foundation and nonprofit colleagues around the country as we listen to the people we seek to help. We are all partnering to listen for good,” said Kathy Dunleavy, President and CEO of the Mary Black Foundation.


About Middle Tyger Community Center

The mission of Middle Tyger Community Center is to provide holistic resources to enhance and support the lives of people in Spartanburg County. Located within Spartanburg County School District 5 in Lyman, the Center serves residents living in the western part of the County. Their comprehensive approach to serving the community, from infants to seniors, includes a health clinic, day care and preschool, adolescent family life program serving teen moms, adult education and return to learn, counseling, food pantry, and senior programs.