City Enters Candidate Selection Phase of Police Chief Search
July 1, 2014GREENVILLE, SC – In April, the City of Greenville announced that it would embark on a national search for a new police chief, following the announcement that former Police Chief Terri Wilfong was retiring. Prior to beginning the search, the City held a series of meetings with community stakeholders and developed an online survey designed to give citizens an opportunity to rate the city’s most pressing safety issues and select the most important leadership qualities and experience the new chief should have. The feedback the City received from the community and members of the Police Department was used to develop the recruitment packet so applicants would have a clear sense of what the community and the City expect in the next police chief. That input is now being used by the City’s Human Resources Department to review applications and select candidates to interview.
The City utilized a variety of forums to attract a diverse group of candidates from across the country. The position was advertised through organizations such as the Municipal Association of South Carolina, the International City/County Management Association, the Public Safety Executive Association, the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives and the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives. The closing date for the position was June 13, and the City received a total of 87 applications from 26 states.
The City expects to announce the final candidates the week of July 7. The candidates will then undergo a series of interviews by City staff, as well as community stakeholders, the week of July 21. The City anticipates selecting and announcing the new police chief by the end of July.