Greenville Downtown Airport Park Project Underway

June 7, 2012

GREENVILLE, SC – June 7, 2012 – Earth moving equipment worked for several days to prepare raw land fortransformation into a new park at the Greenville Downtown Airport in SouthCarolina.  When the heavy equipment arrived it was an incredible momentfor those of us who have worked on this project for over two years, stated JoeFrasher, Airport Director of the Greenville Downtown Airport.  It isfinally happening!  Frasher said.

It’s a dream come true, stated Lara Kaufmann, Public RelationsDirector of the Greenville Downtown Airport.  I have been talking about itfor so long, my kids were not sure if it would happen during theirchildhood! Kaufmann joked.  
“At the Runway Cafe last week a lady was told about the park and she said“This park can’t be built soon enough! and my grandchildren agree, stated HankBrown, Owner of Greenville Jet Center.  During the 53 years I have workedat the airport, I have seen how people love coming here tosee planes and helicopters but they have never had a place where theycan really enjoy it in a park setting.  Kids will be able to be kids.  Adults will be able to walk the exercise path.  School childrenwill learn about aviation.  All starting sometime this fall, statedBrown.
The project has begun phase one of construction according to Parks McLeodof McLeod Landscape Architects, the company who designed thepark.  “We have approved design plans and permits.  The land hasbeen rough graded.  Now we are ready to install an irrigation system andlay the ground work for the exercise walking path aka The Taxiway and the mainwalkways that will look like runways, stated McLeod.  Then it willbe time to plant the grass, added McLeod. 
Over the summer the grass will grow and we hope that the donated fundswill as well, stated Frasher.  We have raised enough to pay forphase one, since several companies have donated their services or provided themalmost at cost. Now we need to raise money for the playgroundequipment, amphitheatre to be used for educational school groups, and apicnic pavilion, Frasher noted.
“We hope that once people see the park going in that they will want tohelp provide the kids of our community with playground equipment,added Kaufmann.
Panagakos Paving is literally paving the way for a great park with theirgenerous spirit! stated Frasher.  They have done an incredible job for usover the years with airport projects so I know they will do a greatjob on the park’s trails, Frasher said.  We are so thankful to have suchcommunity oriented companies in Greenville, Frasher mentioned.
This fall the airport will have a great and inviting place forkids and adults to enjoy, even if we haven’t added all the final designfeatures, Frasher said.  It will be easier to raise money for the picnicshelter or a piece of playground equipment once people see how special thisplace has become, Frasher said.
For more information about the GMU park project, please visit
About The Greenville Downtown Airport
The Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU) is the busiest general aviationairport in South Carolina and is a self-sufficient entity with financialstrength that doesn’t rely on local taxpayers for funding. GMU is home toGreenville Jet Center, the largest Fixed Base Operation (FBO) in South Carolina,as well as more than 25 other aviation-related businesses creating 453 jobs thatannually contribute more than $35.2 million to the Upstate economy. For moreinformation about GMU, please visit or contact JoeFrasher at 864-242-4777 or [email protected]
Greenville Jet Center is an FBO that has been in business since 1989. Thecompany owns two other FBOs in South Carolina: Camden Jet Center in Camden andDonaldson Jet Center on Donaldson Field which is part of SCTAC located inGreenville. For more information about the Greenville Jet Center, please contactHank Brown or Jay Brown at 864-235-6383 or 864-232-7100.