ATC names Catherine Heigel general counsel
May 15, 2012PEWAUKEE, Wis. – Catherine E. Heigel has been named vicepresident, general counsel and corporate secretary of AmericanTransmission Co., effective June 25, 2012. She will have responsibilityfor legal and state regulatory staffs at ATC.
Heigel comes to ATC from Duke Energy Corp. where she was president ofDuke Energy South Carolina and responsible for advancing the company’srate and regulatory initiatives, and managing state and local regulatoryand governmental relations, economic development and community affairs.She was named to this position in March 2010.
Heigel began her legal career in 1995 as a consumer advocate for thestate of South Carolina in utility and insurance matters. She joinedDuke Energy in 1997 as senior counsel providing legal support for DukeEngineering & Services – a non-regulated subsidiary. From 2003 to2006, she practiced law in the private sector, and in 2006 returned toDuke as associate general counsel in Duke’s state regulatory group.
Heigel graduated from the University of South Carolina with a bachelorof arts degree in international studies. She holds a juris doctor degreefrom The Ohio State University College of Law, where she was anassociate editor of the Ohio State Law Journal. She also completed theAdvanced Management Program at the Wharton School of Business.
ATC President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Procario said,“We are pleased to have Catherine join our executive team. She is ademonstrated leader with diverse legal and regulatory experience. Shewill be an asset to ATC as we continue to meet our obligations to ourcustomers in Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Her experiencewill also be valuable in growing our business outside our presentservice area.”
ATC owns, operates, builds and maintains the high-voltageelectric transmission system serving portions of Wisconsin, Michigan,Minnesota and Illinois. Formed in 2001 as the nation’s first multi-statetransmission-only utility, ATC has invested $2.7 billion to improve theadequacy and reliability of its infrastructure. ATC now is a $3.1billion company with 9,440 miles of transmission lines and 519substations. The company is a member of the MISO regional transmissionorganization, and provides nondiscriminatory service to all customers,supporting effective competition in energy markets without favoring anymarket participant. For more information, visit our website at