Air Traffic is Up at the Greenville Downtown Airport

January 10, 2012

GREENVILLE, SC – January 10, 2012 – “In 2011, air traffic at the Greenville Downtown Airportrose 6% over year ending 2010!,  according to Joe Frasher,Airport Director at the Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU) in South Carolina. In2010, GMU had 55,267 operations, which are counted as either a takeoff or alanding.  In 2011, GMU had 58,537 operations, Frasher added.  “Iam happy to see us regain some of the traffic that was lost during the last fewyears of economic decline”, said Frasher. 

“Greenville Jet Center sold 5% more aviation fuel in 2011 than in2010, according to Hank Brown, Owner of Greenville Jet Center, which providesall the aviation fuel at the Greenville Downtown Airport.  In 2010, we sold828,572 gallons and in 2011 sales rose to 864,862 gallons, according toBrown.  We still have a ways to go, but I sure am glad it looks like weare on the upswing! Brown said.
While we can’t pinpoint exactly what has caused 2011 to be a betteryear than 2010, we do know that in hard economic times aviation is the first tobe hit and the last to recover, according to Frasher.  Hopefully thismeans that the economy is improving!  said Frasher.  We couldall use some good news going into 2012! Frasher said.
GMU is the busiest general aviation airport in South Carolina and is aself-sufficient entity with financial strength that doesn’t rely on localtaxpayers for funding. GMU is home to Greenville Jet Center, the largest FixedBase Operation (FBO) in S.C., as well as more than 25 other aviation-relatedbusinesses creating 453 jobs that annually contribute more than $35.2 million tothe Upstate economy. For more information about GMU please visit or contact JoeFrasher at 864-242-4777 or [email protected]
Greenville Jet Center has been in business since 1989.  The companyhas a flight school and owns two other FBOs in South Carolina:  Camden JetCenter in Camden and Donaldson Jet Center on Donaldson Field which is part ofSCTAC located in Greenville.  For more information about the Greenville JetCenter, please contact Hank Brown or Jay Brown at 864-235-6383 or 864-232-7100.