emediagroup Inc. announces expansion in Greenville County

July 28, 2011

$2.25 million investment expected to create 20 new jobs

GREENVILLE, SC – July 28, 2011 –  Gov. Nikki Haley, the South CarolinaDepartment of Commerce and the Greenville Area Development Corporationtoday announced that emediagroup Inc. will expand its facility inGreenville County. The $2.25 million investment is expected to generate20 new jobs over the next five years.

“We are excited about expanding our footprint in the Upstate. Thisexpansion will allow our company to increase production capacity andremain competitive within our industry. South Carolina has alwaysprovided us with an excellent business environment and we look forwardto continuing to grow here,” said Joel Hogg, president of emediagroupInc.

emediagroup Inc. is expanding its print media solutions manufacturingoperation in Greenville County. The company will consolidate twofacilities into an existing building on Worley Road and add newequipment to the operation as part of the expansion.

“We are always excited to see a home-grown company, like emediagroup,expand its footprint in our state and create jobs. This administrationis intensely focused on improving South Carolina’s business fundamentalsso that more of our existing businesses will be able to makejob-creating investments like this one,” said Gov. Nikki Haley.

“Entrepreneurs and small businesses are an important part of SouthCarolina’s economic success, and that’s because of businesses likeemediagroup. Today’s announcement shows once again that our state’sbusiness-friendly climate gives small businesses a strong foundation onwhich to build. We appreciate emediagroup’s decision to continue doingbusiness in South Carolina,” said Bobby Hitt, Secretary of Commerce.

“Emediagroup’s decision to expand their business here in GreenvilleCounty is great news,” added Chris Riley, chairman of the GreenvilleArea Development Corporation. “Our economic development teams providedthe help the company needed to make this expansion and creation of jobs areality.  This is further evidence that businesses can thrive here nowand believe that the area will continue to grow and prosper in the yearsahead.”

The company has already begun hiring for the new positions. Anyoneinterested in job opportunities with the company should email [email protected].

emediagroup Inc

emediagroup Inc., started in 2004, is dedicated to the manufacture ofcustomized, innovative print media solutions to well-established,targeted markets. The company primarily serves markets in the Southeast,with a growing national footprint. The company also has a facility inMyrtle Beach. For more information about emediagroup, please visit www.emediagrp.com.