AkzoNobel Debuts New Global Design Center

May 11, 2011

Featuring The 6th Annual Global Color Trends Presentation from Foresee
For Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Cosmetic Packaging, & Lifestyle Product Designers

LANCASTER, SC – May 11, 2011 – AkzoNobel Specialty Plastics announces the debut oftheir new Global Design Center at their Americas Region headquarters in Lancaster, South Carolina. It includes 20,000 square feet of studio space for graphic designers,color stylists, customer service and a new product development lab.  Thenew lab supports the design studio with product samples, research &development, and added capability for producing performance coatings.  Now designers can work with AkzoNobel to create their own version of acolor, specific feel, or unique special effect ‘on-the-spot’ todifferentiate their brands and bring added value to their products.  

Great Eye Candy For Designers

The Global Design Center is featuring The 6th Annual Global Color Trends Presentation from Foresee, AkzoNobel’s world renowned color and design group, toassist designers and inspire their creative processes.  Foresee tracksglobal trend shifts utilizing multiple trend houses as well as our ownresearch and global resources to pinpoint the latest and coolest trendsepitomized in automotive, wireless, ID, IT, fashion, furniture, art andarchitectural designs, said Deirdre Van Deuren,manager of the Foresee Color and Design Group.  That information issimplified and offered first to our clients as a multi-mediapresentation and collective tray of 3D samples that set the standard inthe coatings industry, continued Van Deuren. Their first part of the major trend story SYSTEM REBOOT is available online www.foreseedesignteam.com.

The Americas Region Global Design Center is a state-of-the-artextension of AkzoNobel’s Global Design Center and world renowned ForeseeColor Trend and Design Group near Antwerp, Belgium.  Foresee is made up of graphic designers, industrial designers, colorstylists and special effect stylists.  Foresee is an extension of acustomer’s design and research arm delivering product branding andstyling solutions with highly relevant colors, color combinations,graphics, textures and special effects based on global research, trendidentification and analysis.  

The new Global Design Center and Foresee’s Global Color TrendsPresentation fortify AkzoNobel’s ‘one-stop-shop’ advantage as a companyspecializing in multiple decorative finishing technologies for manyproducts.  The portfolio includes liquid performance coatings,award-winning Soliant paintfilm and bright film (chrome alternatives),digital image printing systems, metallics, pearls, tricoats and new 3Deffects.  

www.akzonobel.com/sp/;         www.paintfilm.com;           www.akzonobel.com