Staff Members Promoted at Spartanburg Water
April 16, 2010SPARTANBURG, SC – April 16, 2010 – Spartanburg Water is pleased to announce promotions within its staff. Robert (Bobby) Walden has been promoted to the position of Director of Water Distribution and Collection. Ken Tuck has been promoted to Director of Water Treatment.
Robert Walden has been employed at Spartanburg Water for over 30 years. He began working with Spartanburg Water in 1977. Throughout his career he has been promoted to various leadership positions and has served as Department Manager of Maintenance and Construction since 1993. In his new role, he is responsible for directing and overseeing the operations and maintenance of the company’s water transmission, water distribution, wastewater collection, and ice distribution facilities.
Ken Tuck has been employed at Spartanburg Water since 2001, and has served as Department Manager of Water Resources for the past 7 years. He holds a B.S. in Biology from Wofford College, and was employed by S.C.DHEC prior to coming to Spartanburg Water. In his new role, he is responsible for directing and overseeing the operations and maintenance of the company’s surface water intakes, hydroelectric facilities, water treatment facilities, reclaimed water treatment facilities, parks and boat landings, pre-treatment programs, regulatory affairs programs, biosolids and residuals management, watershed management and reservoir and impoundment systems.
Both positions report to Rebecca West, Deputy General Manager of Technical and Engineering Services.
Spartanburg Water – An Award Winning Utility