Municipal Association of SC communications projects recognized by SC Press Association

March 21, 2018

The S.C. Press Association has recognized five communications projects from the Municipal Association of South Carolina with awards. The Municipal Association represents the state’s 271 cities and towns. It provides training, advocacy at the state and federal levels, and programs that give local officials the tools they need to provide quality services.

The projects recognized by the Press Association are representative of the variety of communications and outreach strategies the Municipal Association uses to educate mayors, council members and city staff about best practices and to inform the public about city success stories.

The Municipal Association was recognized for the following:

  • 1st place public relations campaign – Risk Management Services annual training calendar that provides front lines city staff with weekly tips on safety practices in the field
  • 1st place website ( with more than 3,000 pages of content
  • 2nd place electronic newsletter/publicationFrom the Dome to Your Home weekly legislative report that goes to more than 4,000 local elected officials and city staff
  • 1st place news reportingCities use food to build community published in the July 2017 issue of the Association’s monthly Uptown magazine focusing on cities’ efforts to eliminate food deserts
  • 2nd place business reportingRetail gets a refresh published in the November 2017 issue of the Association’s monthly Uptown focusing on Hilton Head’s success with revitalizing an abandoned mall property.

As an associate member of the S.C. Press Association, the Municipal Association competes in the awards against trade journals, advertising and public relations firms, government agencies, and manufacturers and distributors of printing supplies and equipment.