Award-winning author to speak on Eclipse – July 28-29
July 22, 2017Columbia area adults and children will have an opportunity to hear one of the nation’s top writers and speakers about Total Solar Eclipses this coming Friday and Saturday, July 28 and 29. Mark Littmann’s books have won four national awards, and he holds two distinguished professorships at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where he teaches several different courses on how to “write about science so that the public understands and enjoys it.”
He will be giving two talks–titled “Totality: The Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017”–that are free and open to the public. Both are heavily illustrated. Littmann’s talks feature touching stories, photos, and artwork that help audiences appreciate how powerful a total solar eclipse is, including why they occur, how to safely observe them, plus their rarity and beauty and scientific importance.
He will be speaking on Friday, July 28 at noon at the Katie and Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center, 306 Flora Drive, and at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 29 at the Richland Library, downtown, 1431 Assembly St. His presentations will be 40 minutes, followed by a question period, with a book signing afterward for those interested.
Littmann’s two most recent books are Totality: The Great American Eclipses of 2017 and 2024 and, for students ages 8-14, Eclipse 2017.