Recipe of the month: Grilled pineapple with cinnamon
June 11, 2017By Hannah Giangaspro, B.S.
Intern Administrative Assistant
Exercise Science and Nutrition Intern
When my best friend from Tallahassee (I prefer to call it Tallanasty since I grew up a Florida Gator) visited me here in Columbia, we made these big plans to treat ourselves out to eat on our last night before she went back to Florida. This was a big deal for us, considering our wallets were, at this point, two years into college. So I gave her the option: reasonably priced burgers at my favorite burger place (Burger Tavern if you must know), or a very expensive, all-you-can-eat steak dinner at Cowboy Brazilian Steakhouse.
Having nothing but crappy campus food for the past semester, her choice was a no-brainer. We walked into that Brazilian steakhouse that night equipped with bottomless pits for stomachs (we were both track athletes) and insatiable desires for all things meat related. I ate 7 lamb chops that night, on top of a few samples of filet mignon, and ribeye, and other meaty delicacies. (I don’t recommend this… overeating never ends well…).
Surprisingly, though, my favorite aspect of the meal (as well as my friend’s) wasn’t meat related at all! It was this absolutely incredible, sweet and delicious GRILLED PINEAPPLE. Sprinkled with cinnamon, it was so simple yet complex at the same time. I already consider pineapple to be Nature’s candy, but stick it on the grill and it becomes something so much more.
Its natural sugars caramelize so beautifully and… with the cinnamon… OMG! Pair it with meat and the angels sing. I’m telling you. My friend actually hates pineapple and absolutely loved this dish. It’s the only way she can eat pineapple now.
My Version
Naturally, I left that restaurant with a need to taste that pineapple again. So I decided to make it myself. Like I said, it really couldn’t be easier… or tastier.
Just go to the grocery store and buy a pineapple that’s peeled and cored. Trust me, it’s not worth peeling and coring it yourself when you can just spend the extra 2 dollars for someone else to do it for you.
Then, slice that guy up and season that sucker with some cinnamon (as much as you see fit… I like a lot.) After you’ve finished prepping, throw your seasoned pineapple on a grill that’s been preheated to medium-high heat. Grill for 3-5 minutes on each side and enjoy Nature’s candy with a side of steak or kabobs. Or just by itself (;
But, just like with everything else you eat, enjoy it with moderation. Fruits are full of vitamins and fiber, but they are also high in sugar. I’m not saying to avoid this recipe, just to stick to about two slices (:
But Wait… There’s More!!
Want more grilling recipes?! Well, Elite Nutrition and Performance has developed something for you: The Man’s Guide to Becoming a Lean, Mean Grilling Machine. We kept men in mind because of a certain holiday coming up (cough, cough… FATHER’S DAY), but this guide can definitely be enjoyed by anyone who loves to grill… or wants to learn to love it.
Learn everything you need to know about grilling… from techniques to serving! Plus we’ve got over 10 dietitian approved recipes in there, as well as plenty of ideas for dry-rubs and marinades. AND, until June 10th, The Man’s Guide to Becoming a Lean, Mean Grilling Machine is absolutely FREE! So what are you waiting for?! Download this perfect Father’s Day gift HERE.
Think you need some more advice on healthy eating from a registered dietitian? Schedule a FREE No Obligation Consultation today!