Graham on House passing Obamacare repeal & replace bill

May 4, 2017

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on the House passage of legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare.

 “I look forward to carefully reviewing the House-passed legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. My primary duty and job is to ensure this bill – if it were to become law – would be beneficial to the people of South Carolina.  Only after a careful review of the legislation, as well as discussions with the interested stakeholders across South Carolina, will I know the answer to that question.  I do know the revised bill is an improvement over the first attempt.

 “Obamacare is a disaster and every day brings fresh evidence that it is moving toward collapse. 

 “Just yesterday Iowa announced that the sole statewide health care provider on the Obamacare exchange may be pulling out.  In South Carolina, the situation is not much different as we are down to one provider on our Obamacare exchange.  And that provider – Blue Cross Blue Shield – has already expressed doubts about whether they can afford to continue to offer their product.

 “Today’s House vote – where every Democrat voted in opposition – also shows that Democrats in Congress are committed to protecting Obamacare.  They refuse to face up to the fact that Obamacare is on the verge of collapse.  Until they accept this reality, I believe they will refuse to work with President Trump and Republicans on health care reform. 

 “I believe it may take Obamacare’s collapse before the parties are willing to work together in a bipartisan manner.  The collapse and replace of Obamacare may prove to be the most effective path forward.  Only then – and by working together – can we make improvements in health care for millions of Americans.”