Exhibit featuring artist Tripp Barnes on display at airport

July 20, 2016

Artist Tripp Barnes is exhibiting twelve pieces of his art collection at the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. The exhibit is located in the connector area between the security checkpoint and the departure gates.

Born and raised in Columbia, SC, Tripp found his passion for art at the age of 20 while attending Savannah College of Art and Design, due to a required life drawing class. Six months after graduating from SCAD, Tripp backpacked through 16 countries for half a year, learning different cultures. He then headed straight to New York City where he started working on films such as the Dark Knight & The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

Since Tripp’s big jump as a full time artist in 2013, he’s amassed over 32K Instagram followers. He has had numerous published articles and features on major networks such as Good Morning America, BravoTV, and Project Runway. His notable collectors include Matthew McConaughey, Susan Sarandon, Quarterback Drew Brees, and TV host Andy Cohen to name a few. He has numerous brands which he has worked with including Lacoste, Playtex, Hanes, MaidenForm, Jameson Whiskey and SPiN New York.

Most recently, Tripp set out on a quest to make an impact in his home state. With over a dozen murals, the largest of which is 100 feet long by 17 feet high at Redux Contemporary Art Center, in Charleston, in honor of those lost during Charleston’s AME church shooting.

Tripp’s exhibit will be on display through the Fall.