New Scholarship commemorates late art teacher Jimmie Matthews ’83, ’89

May 4, 2016

The moment Jimmie Matthews ’83, ’89 picked up a stick and traced figures into the dirt at his grandmother’s farm was the moment he fell in love with art. Matthews spent his 31-year teaching career sharing that passion with his students. Through a new scholarship, his coworkers and friends want to ensure that Matthews’ love of art education will have a lasting impact on Winthrop students.

The Jimmie Matthews Scholarship in Art Education – the first fund established for art education majors – will provide financial assistance to a Winthrop student who is pursuing a B.F.A. in art with a K-12 teacher certification. First preference will be given to male students from York County, with second preference given to male students from any region.

Marti Matthews ’81, ’84 said she was touched to learn that her late husband’s friends and colleagues created a fund to support Winthrop students passionate about art education. The fund, she added, combines Jimmie Matthews’ love of art with his desire to help people.

“Jimmie had a very selfless and giving personality,” said Marti Matthews. “This scholarship reflects his life as a giving person dedicated to teaching and service.”

Matthews earned his bachelor’s degree in visual arts and a M.Ed. in secondary education at Winthrop. His teaching career spanned more than 31 years, beginning at Indian Land, South Carolina, schools and ending at Ebinport Elementary School in the Rock Hill School District.

Brian Hollingsworth, assistant principal at Ebinport Elementary, remembers Matthews as an enthusiastic teacher who also served as a positive role model.

“What made Jimmie so special is that he was more than just an outstanding teacher – he believed that every child could achieve success at a high level,” said Hollingsworth. “He taught his students to believe in themselves.”

Mary Chandler, director of Corps of Mentors at Winthrop, worked with Matthews during her time as principal of Independence Elementary School in Rock Hill. She saw first-hand the time, care and attention that Matthews gave to his students, colleagues and friends.

“Jimmie touched lives wherever he went, both in- and outside of school. His true spirit continues to live on as he is remembered for living a life that was dedicated to others,” said Chandler. “He gave more than 100 percent and expected nothing in return.”

To make a gift to the Matthews Scholarship, visit and use the “Fund Search” tool to locate the scholarship, or send checks payable to “Winthrop University Foundation” (write “Jimmie Matthews Scholarship in Art Education” in the subject line) to:


Winthrop University Foundation

302 Tillman Hall
Rock Hill, SC 29733

For more information, contact Meredith Carter, communications coordinator, at 803/323-2236 or [email protected].