Richland Penny Opens Section of the Innovista Phase One Project to the Public

February 8, 2016

LAD Corporation, the contractor for the Innovista Phase One Project, has opened up a portion of the project to the public today. The section of Greene Street between Assembly Street and Park Street is now open to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

The current roadway surface is what is known as an intermediate course. A final surface course of asphalt will be applied once temperatures warm up later in the year. Temporary lane closures will occur to allow for landscaping and lighting to be installed.

The next phase of construction will include closing Greene Street between Park and Gadsden Streets. Lincoln Street will remain open for traffic traveling on Lincoln Street. Pedestrians will have access to the north side of Greene Street between Park and Lincoln Streets. These sections of Greene Street will be closed until April 2015.

Phase One of the Innovista project includes constructing improvements to Greene Street, converting it from a four-lane and two-lane roadway to a three-lane roadway with sidewalks and dedicated bike lanes from Assembly Street to Gadsden Street.  The centerpiece will be at the intersection of Greene Street and Lincoln Street and will feature an urban square in the vicinity of the Colonial Life Arena.

The Innovista Phase Two Project is currently under design. This phase of Greene Street extends from Gadsden Street across the railroad tracks to Huger Street. Phase Two includes a three-lane roadway with sidewalks and dedicated bike lanes. photo (46)