City of Columbia designated walk friendly community

November 17, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – The City of Columbia has been designated as a Walk Friendly Community (WFC) by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center. Walk Friendly Communities is a national recognition program aimed to encourage communities to establish or recommit to higher level of walking.

The WFC program recognizes communities that are working to improve a wide range of conditions related to walking, including safety, mobility, access and comfort. The WFC designation of honorable mention, bronze, silver, gold and platinum, is given to applicant communities that have demonstrated a commitment to improving and sustaining walkability and pedestrian safety through comprehensive programs, plans and policies. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and FedEx.

An application for designation was submitted by the City in the spring and a receipt of notification of the City’s designation was received in early November. The City of Columbia is the first Bronze level community within the state and the only community within the state to receive designation at any level.  Other communities within the southeast to receive awards in the past are Atlanta, Charlotte, Louisville, Davidson, NC, Cary, NC. A full list of comparison for each level can be found at


Nationwide announcements of the designation will occur Tuesday October 13, 2015.  Planning Staff has been coordination a formal press release, press conference and other announcements items with the City Public Relations Department.    These events will occur in the upcoming weeks so this fantastic news is not lost within the ongoing weather related news.  Planning staff has reached out to the Walk Friendly Communities staff and they are interested in coming to Columbia to present the award along with their sponsor FedEx.  We hope this announcement will occur towards the end of October or early November based upon schedules and availability.


If you should have any questions about the award, please contact John Fellows, at [email protected] or803.545.3215.



Presentation of Award

WHAT:       The City of Columbia has been designated as a Bronze Level Walk Friendly Community (WFC) by the Pedes­trian and Bicycle Information Center.

WHO:         Mayor Steve Benjamin, City Council Members, City Staff, BPAC, SCDOT and The COMET

WHERE:     City Hall, Front Steps (Rain Location: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor), 1737 Main St. Columbia, SC 29201

WHEN:       Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 1 PM