Richland County Vector Control spraying to control increased mosquito activity

October 16, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – This month’s historic flooding, paired with warm temperatures, has led to increased mosquito activity in some parts of Richland County.

To combat the problem, Richland County Vector Control is treating standing water to kill larvae and plans to conduct spraying for adult mosquitoes in affected areas. A spray mission is being coordinated with the City of Columbia to address the mosquito population around the Lake Katherine area from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21. If residents see the spray truck in their neighborhood, they’re asked to please remain inside to allow the driver to provide a thorough coverage.

Anyone in the Lake Katherine area who has an allergy to permethrin or is keeping honeybees is asked to contact Richland County Vector Control at 803-576-2425 or the Richland County Ombudsman at 803-929-6000.

“We are out spraying affected areas to the best of our ability, since several roads and bridges remain closed due to flood damage,” said Richland County Vector Control Director Tammy Brewer.

Though cooler night temperatures are setting in, the warm temperatures during the day are keeping the mosquitoes’ life cycle in order, Brewer said.

Residents can take their own steps to help abate the increased mosquito activity by emptying any standing water on their property and using protective measures such as wearing long sleeves and using repellents according to the label.