Marketing Motivators Motivating your clients and patients

August 3, 2015

By Jerry Bellune


Venture capitalist Irwin Federman had it right.
“People don’t love you for who you are,” he said.
“They love you for how you make them feel.”
To succeed, we need to discover how to do that.
To make them feel like a million dollars.

What are human nature’s two strongest motivators?
What are the hot buttons that get our clients’ attention?
1. The desires of our dreams.
Snazzier cars. Better wardrobes. Bigger homes.
A retreat in the mountains or at the beach.
A college education for our children.
Five star vacations at luxury resorts.
The respect of our peers. To leave a lasting legacy.
2. Fear of loss of our money and personal security.
Fear of pain, disability and death.
One of the great fears, surveys show, is public speaking.
It’s not the speaking. It’s the stage fright.
Fear of making a fool of oneself in front of others.

These two motivators can help us in our marketing.
We need to ask these important questions:
1. Who are our Ideal Clients, Patients and Prospects?
Paint a total picture of them by age, gender, income, etc.
2. What is it they want and need from us?
Their favorite channel WIIFM (What’s in it for me).
3. What can we provide better than our competition?
When the choose, they must pick us.
4. What great experiences can we give them?
This is not just about goods and services.
It’s about the enjoyment or relief they get from us.
5. Why would they forsake all others for us?
We want to build a fence around these Ideal Clients.

This is how we attract our most profitable clients.
Then we build a fence around them no one else can climb.
It is the secret of successful churches. Why we tithe.
It’s why we join clubs and community groups.
We are pack animals at heart.
Yet the benefits must far outweigh the investment costs.

This what we will discuss Friday, August 28.
We will lay out the blueprint to show you how to do this.
It will be at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber.
These secrets have been known for many years.
Highly successful people understand and practice them.
There’s no reason you can’t practice them, too.

For details, call us at 359-7633.
Or email us at [email protected]
We’ll send you a copy of Marketing Motivators.
It will get you started on the road to greater success.

Next: Profiling our Ideal Clients and Prospects.

Want to share this with a friend? Be my guest.
We only ask that you tell them where it came from.
Invite them to send me their email address.
They can reach me at [email protected]
I’ll email this strategy letter to them each week.
©2015 The Bellune Company, Inc.
Neither nor The Bellune Company, Inc. makes any warranty as to the results that may be achieved from using this information. ©2015 The Bellune Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Requests for permission to reprint or circulate may be obtained by emailing [email protected]