ERG Releases Mobile App for Employee Timekeeping

November 24, 2014

ERG’s Timekeeping App Helps Companies Manage Mobile Workforce

CHAPIN, SC – Employers with a mobile workforce often struggle to accurately track and administer the hours of those employees. ERG is proud to announce their new application for smartphones and tablets that will help employers do all of this and more. “This app combined with our online time system, physical time clocks, and telephonic clock-in capabilities gives us the ability to help any employer manage their labor costs more effectively” said Matt Vaadi, president of ERG. The new app allows employees to clock in from their mobile device, manage time off, view their schedule, and more. Employers can easily see a live snapshot of their workforce from any location and manage their team in real time.

ERG’s online timekeeping is built to help organizations manage compliance and labor costs. Having an automated time system is going to be extremely important for organizations under the Affordable Care Act. Being able to easily access the data necessary to report the size of your organization, eligibility, and compliance with the ACA will be a massive timesaver for companies. Managing measurement periods and proving your status as an employer will be the biggest challenge for organizations that hover around the thresholds and use a manual process.

Manual timekeeping costs employers’ hours of time to prepare the information for accurate payroll and errors can cost tens of thousands of dollars annually. Research says that automation can reduce the preparation time by up to 80% and save up to 3% of gross wages in reduced errors. The challenge for many organizations is that varied workforce does not allow for a “one size fits all” time system. ERG takes a unique approach to providing online timekeeping software for small businesses. “Our time system integrates with over 200 different payroll systems. While we love it when clients use our payroll system in conjunction with the time system, it is not necessary.” Vaadi said. “We give our clients the most user friendly technology on the market coupled with a proactive support model lead by dedicated service partners. This creates an experience they are not going to find with any of the national providers.”



About ERG

ERG is a payroll and HR support services provider headquartered in Chapin, SC. Organizations that are worried about HR related changes need a partner that has their best interest in mind. ERG is this partner. By providing a unique combination of people and technology, ERG can help organizations to focus on their business, eliminate distractions, and maintain compliance. ERG provides the tools and resources that businesses need to attract and retain talent, maintain compliance, and save resources. ERG is focused on supporting local businesses, non-profit organizations, and creating jobs. Our simple yet diverse portfolio of solutions allows us to meet our clients at their point of need.