Decker Boulevard Demolition Begins
September 3, 2014Once a popular family restaurant will soon become green space
COLUMBIA, SC – Richland County Councilman Jim Manning announced today that the demolition work has begun at 2628 Decker Boulevard, fondly referred to as the Old Zorba’s. Although this building has existed since 1960 and served as one of Columbia’s most frequented family restaurants and subsequently a social and entertainment facility; over the years it has become one of the County’s priority locations to reduce the risk of flooding.
Councilman Jim Manning stated, “reclaiming this flood plain property is a huge step forward in our efforts to improve the water quality in the Gills Creek watershed, especially for Cary Lake.”
Funding for the demolition came from a South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant, and County Storm water match funds. The grant covered the purchase of the building, a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment, the demolition and permits– totaling over $800,000. The property is in its final phase of demolition and will be completely stabilized by mid-September.
As a result of this new open space, Richland County is exploring several passive recreational options. Councilman Manning is currently investigating the feasibility of a dog park, stream and wetland restoration or other water quality improvements, along with a walking trail and a pedestrian friendly green space. “Northeast Market &Coffee House owner Ms. Laurie Pineda, the business owner next door to the property, approached me with the idea of a Dog Park. It sounded like a marvelous use for the green space including a way to educate citizens about pet waste,” according to Manning.
The demolition of 2628 Decker Boulevard structure is another pivotal moment in the implementation of the Decker Boulevard, affectionately known as the International Corridor, Master Plan. Other Decker Boulevard accomplishments include several economic development initiatives; the purchasing of the Decker Center property– where several county offices will relocate within the next eighteen months; improved safety measures, including increased street lighting and a Low Impact Development (LID) Demonstration project, designed to reduce and improve storm water runoff from the new Decker Center parking lot.
Richland County’s vision is to foster healthy and happy communities, quality infrastructure, parks and trails and viable, thriving neighborhoods and business corridors. Decker Boulevard magnifies this vision and the cultural diversity that our county encompasses.
For more information about the Decker Boulevard Master Plan please visit