QS TopMBA.com Applicant Survey 2009 Reveals Impact of Recession on the Attitudes of International MBA Candidates
August 31, 2009LONDON – August 26, 2009 – More MBA candidates than ever before are women; one-year MBAs are still in vogue and entrepreneurship has grown dramatically in popularity as an MBA specialization and an MBA career objective.
These are some of the key findings from the QS TopMBA.com Applicant Survey 2009 the world’s most exhaustive research about the attitudes of international MBA candidates, released this week.
Reflecting the opinions of almost 4,000 MBA candidates from 35 countries, the Applicant Survey 2009 is the latest and most thorough research of its kind in the world. It’s also the first hard data available on the impact the recession has had on business school candidates worldwide.
The 2009 report also reveals that self-employment as a post-MBA option is more popular than ever before. Meanwhile, loans are significantly down as a financing option, reflecting recessionary concerns.
Ross Geraghty, co-author of the report, says: “This is the first time that QS has empirical data on how the recession has impacted the attitudes of the world’s MBA candidates. It’s striking how entrepreneurship and self-employment have become popular among this set of respondents. It’s also evident that concern over how to fund MBA programs has seen a shift away from considering loans as an option and towards scholarships and other funding alternatives.”
The QS Applicant Survey, now in its 11th year, is the most thorough and eagerly-awaited data on the opinions of MBA candidates. Produced by QS, the world’s leading career and education experts, it is sought after by program designers, deans, professors, the media and prospective MBA candidates alike.
Additional findings:
• Canada (57%) followed by USA (51%), Israel (51%), France (45%) and India (37%) are the top five loan seeking nations
• Non-profit and CSR have almost doubled (6.4% from 3.8%) as a desirable post-MBA career
• Russia, Mexico, Chile, Germany, Malaysia and South Africa have seen an increase in the numbers from their own population preferring to pursue an MBA at home
• 63% of MBA candidates expect to work more than 50 hours per work upon graduation
• Only 32% of women, compared with 43% of men, believe they will earn more than US$100,000 per year after graduation. More salary data is available on request.
Nunzio Quacquarelli, Managing Director of QS and the QS World MBA Tour, from which the survey responses were collected in the fall of 2008 and spring of 2009, says: “Each year, the QS TopMBA.com Applicant Survey reveals unique results about MBA candidate trends. 2009 results suggest the economic crisis is causing MBA applicants to think deeply about how an MBA can help their career and give them the flexibility to withstand the future ups and downs in the business cycle. More people are applying to business school than ever, looking at more diverse careers, to internationalize their resume, to develop entrepreneurial skills or simply to broaden their business skills to ensure a more prosperous future.”
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