Statement from the SC Department of Commerce regarding the Agency’s mission to Brazil and Argentina on June 21-28, 2008

June 25, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – June 25, 2009 – The South Carolina Department of Commerce released the following statement regarding the Agency’s mission to Brazil and Argentina on June 21-28, 2008.  Please note, all private participants pay for their own travel expenses to participate in these missions.

A number of the participants from the Brazil trade and investment mission, at the invitation and suggestion of Secretary Taylor and at their own personal expense, went to Cordoba, Argentina following the Brazil mission to go bird hunting. 

The hunting trip was paid for personally by individuals that chose to participate.

The Governor was part of the group in Cordoba for a day and half of hunting and went on to Buenos Aires for official state meetings. The trade delegation did not accompany the Governor to the meetings in Argentina. The Governor was accompanied by a project manager from the Department of Commerce, which is standard practice for meetings with public officials and prospective companies, said Kara Borie, spokesperson for the Department of Commerce.

The full schedule of meetings in Brazil and Argentina is attached, click here.

The only taxpayer funds expended for any of the Argentina portion of the trip were for Governor Sanford and Commerce Project Manager Ford Graham. 

At the request of the media, expense details are attached and listed below.

Airfare*                        $8,687 (Governor Sanford)                           

Airfare                         $1,910 (Commerce project manager)                                   

Lodging                       $453                           

Meals                          $142                           

Other travel **             $130                           

Project Meals              $488                           


*Airfare includes travel from Columbia to Atlanta to Sao Paulo, Brazil to Cordoba, Argentina to Buenos Ares, Argentina to Atlanta to Columbia, S.C.          

** Includes transportation, phones, portage and interest service.