Teleflora Awards Local Florist, Tim's Touch Flowers and Gifts – Marketer Of The Month
March 4, 2009COLUMBIA, SC – March 4, 2009 – Tim Lawing, owner of Tim’s Touch Flowers and Gifts in Lexington, SC was recognized as the Marketer of the Month by Teleflora.
Teleflora is the leading wire service in the nation for florists. There are more than 30,000 floral shops that are members of Teleflora across the nation and that recieve the monthly magazine, MYTELEFLORANEWS.COM. Mr. Lawing’s marketing concept and joint venture with Travinia’s Italian Kitchen of Lexington for the Anniversary Club, was featured in in the Feb. 2009 edition.
You can view and register for the Anniversary Club at or visit Travinia’s of Lexington. and you may win the monthly drawing for a $100.00 Gift value towards dinner and roses!
Mr. Lawing’s business and design work has been featured in other publications with Teleflora and Florist Review, both respectable national floral publications. He has won several design competitions in Sympathy Design and was Designer of The Year 2008 for the Midlands Florist Association. He is currently working towards national certification with the American Institue of Floral Designers.