City of Cayce to Declare Election Open for Filing of Candidates

July 23, 2008

CAYCE, SC – July 23 , 2008 – The City of Cayce’s municipal election will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008.  Cayce City Council will declare the election open for filing of candidates at its August 7, 2008 council meeting. 

There will be three seats open for election —Mayor (to fill unexpired term), Council Member District 1 and Council Member District 3.  Filing opens on August 8 and in accordance with State Law, closes at noon on August 15.  The deadline for write-in candidates is September 3. Filing fees are $100 for Mayor and $50 for Council Member. 

Individuals interested in filing for office may contact Tammy Barkley, Municipal Clerk at City Hall at 796-9020, ext. 3023.