BCSD announces nominees for Rookie Teacher of the Year
February 9, 2017Principals in Berkeley County School District have chosen their Rookie Teachers of the Year. These teachers will now be considered for District Rookie Teacher of the Year.
These incredible teachers were nominated based on the following criteria:
- Conducting effective instructional planning to meet the needs of all students;
- Providing and facilitating quality instruction;
- Organizing and implementing a culture of learning in the classroom;
- Managing student behavior and classroom events;
- Developing effective relationships with students, parents/guardians, and peers;
- Modeling professional demeanor and behavior;
- Serving as an advocate for students and public education as a whole.
Rookie Teacher of the Year Nominees
Berkeley Elementary School / Hannah Alexander
Berkeley Intermediate School / Laura Donovan
Berkeley Middle School / Kelly Walter
Boulder Bluff Elementary School / Kelsie Hulen
Cane Bay Elementary School / Claire Sanders
Cane Bay High School / Peter Wright
Cane Bay Middle School / Katie Hardwick
Cainhoy Elementary School / Demmie White
College Park Elementary School / Lauren Sibrava
Devon Forest Elementary School / Megan Verner
Daniel Island School / Caroline Zomer
Goose Creek High School / Kristen Chitty
Goose Creek Primary / Justin Lowe
H.E. Bonner Elementary School / Krystle Ragusa
Hanahan High School / Mariel Saldutte
Hanahan Middle School / Nicholas Buchholz
Macedonia Middle School / Caitlyn Kennedy
Marrington Elementary School / Jenna Ward
Nexton Elementary School / Cheryl Brinkley
Philip Simmons Middle School / Suzette Coors
Sangaree Intermediate School / Brett Sires
Sedgefield Intermediate School / Tim Capazzi
Sedgefield Middle School / David Patterson
Timberland High School / Joshua Watts
Westview Elementary School / Stephanie Mansfield
Westview Middle School / Heather Bohach
Whitesville Elementary School / Rebekah Black
A committee of school, teacher, and business leaders will select three finalists from the list to interview by March 24. All school-level Rookie Teachers of the Year, as well as the three finalists, will be recognized at the final PRIDE Celebration on May 16, 2017, at Westview Middle School. The Rookie Teacher of the Year also will be announced during the celebration.