Am I on the Right Bus? How to avoid the $100,000 college blunder!
March 4, 2013Without a father or mother in my life, there were no guides for me. I was left to fend for myself. Without much direction, I simply attended college because all my friends around me were attending. And beingpoor most of my life and living on food stamps and governmentassistance, I knew I wanted a better life and that a higher educationwould lead to it. I had no idea however what I really wanted to study.
So what happened? I changed fields of study not once, but 5 times. Iattended 4 different universities within my first 4 years, and took atotal of 9 years to finish my first degree! On top of that, I funded my education on student loans and was left with thousands of dollars ofdebt by the time all was said and done.
The sad fact is that I don’t believe my case is unique. Kids moreoften than not, go into college blindly, or best case, on a gut feel.Eventually many realize the initial path they chose just wasn’t rightfor them. Often times however, it’s after they graduate and hundredsof thousands of dollars later. How can this be avoided?
Here are 5 invaluable tips to ensure your kids are Getting on the Right Bus BEFORE they go to college
1) Pursue a course of study in both what you love AND what you are good at.
In the realm of executive leadership, I get the privilege of workingwith hundreds of leaders from many different walks of life. All bringmany talents and strengths to the table but there are twocharacteristics that clearly separate the great leaders from the goodones. One, they love what they do. Two, they are really good at whatthey do. The bottom line is that just loving what you do is NOT goodenough. You are going to have to swallow this pill; you MUST be verygood at it as well. The love will feed your passion, which is veryimportant, but it is your superior talent that will separate you fromthe pack. Especially by college age, you should have a very goodindicator of things, topics of study that come very naturally for you.
2) Identify 5 people who you admire the MOST whether personalor professional, past or present and write down their commoncharacteristics.
If you are not aspiring to become great, then you are missing the markbefore you event start. I don’t care what your income level is, whatyour race or gender is, if you have any disabilities, I just care aboutwhat you are aspiring to become. It is impossible to become what you’dlike to become without a vision, without a target. Often times, peoplethink about careers but very few think about the people who theyactually admire. There are no excuses in this area. Dream big, thinkbig, and shoot for the stars.
3) Create a life map for yourself.
A life map will engrain into your sub-conscience your goals andmentally set you up for success. Your life map is your personalcommitment of ownership. Literally, your life map will serve as yourcompass moving forward. Like drawing a cobweb, simply identify the 5 key areas that you want to focus on in your life and expand it out. Yourlife map’s key areas should ALL complement and NOT contradict whom youare and where you are going.
4) Treat your degree as a vehicle, a means of how you willultimately live out your passion and purpose NOT your ultimate purpose.
The reality is that most people go through an average of 5 careerchanges before they settle into a final career path. Though some ofyou might be the fortunate few who hit the mark the first time around,most will be finding a new and/or different career within the first 5years they come out of school. Make sure your degree allows you a lotof room for flexibility and growth both short and long term.
5) Take the DiSC assessment to determine your leadership strengths and weaknesses.
There are thousands of great assessments out there that give veryaccurate readings on individual’s leadership styles and also on whereyour strengths and weaknesses naturally exist. The DiSC onlineassessment is one of those tools that I have my clients take prior toworking with me. It’s simple, it’s short, and it’s very accurate.Choose your field of study that lends itself to where you thrive andplays to your strengths.
Rubi Ho is vice president of Sherpa Executive Coaching in Cincinnati, Ohio and author of Confronting My Elephants and He is a master executive coach and has personally directed over onehundred executive coaches, who work integrally with Fortune 500,non-profits, and private companies. He works with senior executives andorganizations on leadership development and the integration ofleadership and coaching into their cultures. Born in Vietnam, he and his brothers and sisters escaped from Saigon in 1975, the day before itfell. He lives with his wife and family in Cincinnati, Ohio.