SCDOT Seeks Public Comment For Proposed 2013 Funding Plans for Federal-Aid & Mass Transit Programs

August 21, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – August 21, 2012 – The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is seeking public comment on proposed funding plans for the 2013 Federal-Aid and Mass Transit Programs.     

The proposed funding plan for the 2013 Federal-Aid Program reflects appropriation levels included in the new federal transportation legislation “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century” (MAP-21).  The appropriations for the overall Federal-Aid Program have been reduced from $813 million in FY 2012 to $756 million in FY 2013.  The attached pie chart and category definitions highlight the various programs and their proposed funding levels.
The proposed funding plan for Mass Transit Programs also reflects appropriation projections indicated in the MAP-21.  The new legislation significantly modifies many of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) programs to include consolidation and establishment of new formula based programs. Estimated appropriations and programs for State Mass Transit Funds are outlined in attached pie chart and category definitions.
A copy of this press release, pie charts and category definitions are available for public review and comment on the world web at: