South Carolina’s Employment Situation July 2012

August 20, 2012

Slight Increase in Unemployment Rate

August 20, 2012 – The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rateincreased to 9.6 percent in July from 9.4 percent in June. The rise inthe rate was fueled by an increasing number of unemployed people(+4,040) and a decrease in people who were employed (-11,231).

As a result, the overall labor force fell slightly by 7,191 people to2,143,275. This pattern is similar to the trend in 2011 of fallingemployment and rising unemployment during the middle of the year. Thenational unemployment rate increased slightly from 8.2 percent in Juneto 8.3 percent in July.

Historically, employment decreases during the summer months due to theseasonal ebb and flow of employment in the educational sector. Thenon-farm payroll jobs (not seasonally adjusted) fell by 22,700 from June to July 2012, with the majority of the decrease in Government(-15,300). Other sectors declining this month include Trade,Transportation, and Utilities (-3,000, mostly in Retail Trade),Professional and Business Services (-1,700), and Manufacturing (-1,600). Employment in the Construction industry moved slightly downward (-800)after four consecutive monthly increases. Education and Health Servicesjobs declined by 600 as private educational schools and ambulatoryhealth care services declined. The Information sector experienced theonly increase (+200).

Since July 2011, non-farm employment saw an overall increase of 11,300jobs. Professional and Business Services reported a gain over the year(+5,500), mostly in temporary Employment Services. The Manufacturingsector also grew 4,600 from July 2011 to July 2012. Sectors that showed a decline in employment during the past year include Construction(-2,100), Leisure and Hospitality (-1,000) and Financial Activities(-600).

Online job ads in South Carolina, as reported by the Conference BoardHelp Wanted OnLine data series, showed a decrease of about 2,200 adsfrom June to July. The number of jobseekers per opening increasedslightly from 3.5 to 3.7 this past month. Online ads across the UnitedStates saw a decrease of 153,600 in the last month. Compared to a yearago, online ads in South Carolina were approximately 7,100 higher inJuly 2012.

The Trident Workforce Area (Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchestercounties) had the most ads (13,598), with the Midlands Workforce Area(Fairfield, Lexington, and Richland counties) coming in next (12,776).Of all online ads, Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupationshad the highest number of ads in the state (9,909).

“The state’s unemployment rate has once again mirrored the movements ofthe national rate. A decline in payroll employment is typical for thistime of year, as educational institutions are on break for the summer,”said Abraham J. Turner, executive director of the SC Department ofEmployment and Workforce. “However, DEW remains steadfast and focused on its efforts to put South Carolinians back to work.”