Graham, Haley, Duncan Push for Drilling Off South Carolina Coast

June 11, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – June 11, 2012 – South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley,U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, and Third District Congressman Jeff Duncantoday all spoke out in support of legislation which will open the SouthCarolina coast to oil and gas drilling.
“South Carolina is leading the way toward energy independence,” saidGraham, who is introducing the legislation in the United States Senate.  “By authorizing offshore leasing for oil and gas exploration, SouthCarolina will lead a long, overdue effort to open up American-ownedenergy reserves.  We want to break the dependence on imports fromunstable areas like the Middle East and dangerous regimes likeVenezuela’s Hugo Chavez.  The more closer-to-home energy we utilize, theless we must rely on them.  Additionally, this legislation will helpreduce our national debt and the state of South Carolina will receive37.5 percent of revenues generated from leasing.”
“America desperately needs an all-the-above energy plan,” said Duncan.“We all support a comprehensive approach to energy, but also understandthat South Carolina shouldn’t wait on other states to be able to createjobs here at home. I commend Senator Graham for his work on the SouthCarolina Offshore Drilling Act and plan to introduce a version of thislegislation in the U.S. House. Utilizing our abundant natural resourcesis a crucial step in ending our dependence on Middle Eastern oil, andcreating thousands of jobs right here in South Carolina. Thislegislation will help our state continue to lead the nation in energyinnovation.”
“Two months ago, I introduced the EXPAND Act, which in addition toexpanding nuclear power and other sources of energy, includes openingthe entire Outer Continental Shelf for energy leases and permits. Ispecifically included the Southern Atlantic OCS to ensure that SouthCarolina gained access to its natural resources. We are committed tohelping South Carolina lead the way towards energy independence for theUnited States, and create thousands of new energy jobs,” Duncan said.
Under the South Carolina Offshore Drilling Act:

  • 0 to 10 miles off the South Carolina coast would be designated a Buffer Zone and no drilling will be allowed.
  • 10-50 miles off the South Carolina coast would be designated anOpt-In Zone.  The state, with the approval of the Governor and StateLegislature, could make these areas available for leasing.  The Governorand State Legislature will decide the exact offshore location where theOpt-In Zone begins (10 miles off the coast, 12 miles, 15 miles, etc.)before leases are issued.
  • 50-100 miles off the South Carolina coast will be declared Open and available for leasing.

The South Carolina Offshore Drilling Act also calls for revenuesharing from the lease sales.  Under the legislation, 50 percent of therevenues will be returned to the federal government for deficitreduction, 37.5 percent will go to the State of South Carolina, and 12.5percent will be directed to the Land and Water Conservation Fund.  Thefunding formula is consistent with current federal law governing revenuesharing from offshore drilling leases.