One Screening Could Save a Life

March 19, 2012

Trident Health Offers Free Prostate Screening

N. CHARLESTON, SC – March 19, 2012 – Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men(lung cancer is first), according to the American Cancer Society. However, morethan 2 million men in the United States who have had prostate cancer at somepoint are still alive today. The death rate is decreasing, in part because ofearly detection.  


On Thursday March 29, Trident Healthwill be offering a free prostate screening at Trident Medical Center. Thescreening will take place between 5-6:30 p.m. The event encourages all men overthe age of 40 to get checked. To register for this free screening, please call843-797-FIND (3463).
About Trident Health
Trident Health is an HCA hospitalsystem comprised of two acute care hospitals – Trident Medical Center andSummerville Medical Center – as well as Moncks Corner Medical Center. The JointCommission recently named Trident Health to their list of the nation’s tophospitals for quality and safety. In 2011, Trident Health provided almost $45million in charity and uncompensated care and contributed $38 million in taxes. Accredited by The Joint Commission, Trident Health is committed toproviding quality health services along with wellness information andopportunities to the communities it serves. For more information aboutTrident Health, please visit our website at or call 843.797.7000.