BlueCross Issues National Walk @ Lunch Day Challenge to S.C. Employers

March 12, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – March 12, 2012 – BlueCross BlueShield of SouthCarolina is challenging other South Carolina companies to follow itslead and hold lunchtime walks for their employees on National Walk @Lunch Day®, which is set for Wednesday, April 25, 2012. 

Employers and schools nationwide mark the day by asking their employeesand students to wear comfortable shoes and take part in a 30-minutelunchtime walk. For many, walking during lunch will become part of ahealthier daily routine. The walks are scheduled for the lunch hour soworkers can fit exercise into their busy schedules.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies created National Walk @ Lunch Daysix years ago as part of their efforts to promote personal health anddecrease the costs of health care for employers and employees. The U.S.Department of Health and Human Services estimates the cost to treatillness and chronic disease caused by inactive lifestyles is nearly$1,000 per year for every family in America.
Just 30 minutes of walking or other moderate exercise several times perweek can have significant health benefits, said Dr. Laura Long,BlueCross’ vice president of clinical innovation and population health.Walking is a fun, safe and effective way to get regular exercise. Eventhe busiest employees can take a few minutes during their lunch hour tobenefit their health.
S.C. BlueCross will hold walks for its employees, and will provide freeplanning guides and print-ready files for banners, fliers and otherpromotional materials to help any South Carolina company organize aworkplace walk. To obtain the materials, call Glenn Niemiec at803-264-4612.
For those who live or work near the downtown areas of Columbia,Charleston, Greenville or Spartanburg, BlueCross will hold its annualNational Walk @ Lunch Day community walks from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.April 25. The events, which are free of charge and open to the public,will include walking courses, health and fitness information andgiveaways. Locations are the Statehouse in Columbia, Marion Square inCharleston, Falls Park in Greenville, and Morgan Square in Spartanburg.

About BlueCross

Headquartered in Columbia, S.C., and operating in South Carolina formore than 65 years, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is anindependent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Theonly South Carolina-owned and operated health insurance carrier,BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina comprises 47 companies involvedin health insurance services, the U.S. DoD health program and Medicarecontracts, other insurance and employee benefits services, and aphilanthropic foundation that funds programs to improve health care andaccess to health care for South Carolinians.