Governor Haley announces job training initiative with ACT

February 10, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – February 10, 2012 – Gov. Nikki Haley, Department ofEmployment and Workforce Executive Director Abraham Turner, ACT WorkforceDevelopment Division President Martin Scaglione and Midlands Technical CollegePresident Sonny White announce jobs training initiative during afternoon pressconference:

“Gov.Nikki Haley announced Thursday that South Carolina is among four states whereACT is launching its Certified Work Ready Communities Academy…The new initiativeis meant to integrate South Carolina’s various testing and training programs,while coordinating efforts statewide. It will involve leaders of state andcounty agencies, high schools and technical schools.” (SeannaAdcox, Associated Press, “Haley announces job training initiative with ACT,”2/9/2012)