Green Business Challenge Year Two
December 5, 2011CHARLESTON, SC – December 5, 2011 – The City of Charleston, withpartners, Lowcountry Local First, Sustainability Institute, CarolinaGreen Fair, the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, Medical Universityof South Carolina and Charleston County launched Year 2 of the GreenBusiness Challenge on December 1, 2011. The Green Business Challenge isdesigned to help local businesses promote environmental stewardship andsave money to be recognized for sustainable business leadership.
Mayor Joseph P. Riley. Jr. said, “The Green Business Challenge is apositive and creative way to get the business community involved insustainability efforts. The results from the first year show that theGBC is an excellent tool for businesses to learn how to save moneythrough sustainable practices. We encourage businesses to participate inthis program as a sensible solution to enhance their businesspractices. ”
The concept of the Green Business Challenge is to measure currentworkplace environmental friendly practices and then to improve upon themover the course of a year. Three key elements are reducing use ofenergy and water and minimizing waste. The GBC provides an interactivescorecard that helps businesses rate themselves in eight differentcategories: Company Management and Operations, Energy Efficiency, WaterConservation, Waste Minimization and Recycling, Transportation, GreenPurchasing and Procurement, Customers/Clients and Community andInnovation. Participants will set their own priorities for improvement,and chart progress in each area. Free training sessions will be offeredthroughout the year to educate businesses on ways to improve in any ofthe eight areas. The GBC year runs from December 1, 2011 to November30, 2012. GBC participants have until February 29th 2012 to submittheir baseline scorecard.
The Green Business Challenge can work for all types of businesses andoffices, from the smallest home office, to the area’s largestemployers. The idea is to offer a program that provides an easy path toimprovement, one that is both measurable and achievable. All scoresare confidential, and the level of the challenge is entirely up to thebusiness.
Starting the GBC is easy; simply sign up at to receive this year’s scorecard.
Any company in the metropolitan area may participate. For more information visit or contact Carolee Williams, City of Charleston, 843 -724-3776 or email [email protected] for more information.