Interior Designer, Kimberly Grigg, Announces The Opening Of Knotting Hill Fabrics, Gifts, And Interiors
September 30, 2011MYRTLE BEACH, SC – September 29, 2011 – Interior Designer, KimberlyGrigg, has announced the opening of Knotting Hill Fabrics, Gifts, andInteriors. The 7,000 square-foot store is located at Northwoods Plaza,on 79th Avenue and North Kings Highway, in a former Blockbuster Videolocation. Grigg has expanded her traditional product line to includemerchandise with an urban vibe, and supplemented her luxury fabricofferings with affordable fabrics by the yard.
The new store has a distinctive exterior, painted in sapphire with brownand white striped awnings. Its rectangular shape provides an open spacewhich will enable Grigg to host gatherings and activities, includingBritish High Tea.
Grigg will also host Tempting Tuesdays with entertainment,refreshments and special deals. Design dilemmas will be addressed atweekly mini-clinics conducted by Grigg. Each month there will be aGirls’ Night Out with refreshments and a class, as well as a DesignChallenge Seminar. During the holidays, a men’s Scotch Tasting and GiftExtravaganza is planned.
The store will officially open at 10 a.m. on Oct. 6, 2011. Customerswill find fabric, lamps, home accessories and furnishings, as well asjewelry, shoes, handbags, clothing and a variety of affordableaccessories. The staff and two new design concierge, one specializing infabric and one in retail, will be on hand to assist clients.
After seven years in the same location, I had the opportunity to moveto a better and larger location, said Kimberly Grigg, interior designerand owner of Knotting Hill Fabrics, Gifts, and Interiors. We were inneed of more space, so I seized the opportunity. This allows us todeliver extra value to our customers with in-store activities and morepersonalized service. I want this to be an exciting place for savvywomen – both locals and tourists – to shop.
About Kimberly Grigg
Kimberly Grigg is an award-winning interior designer along the CarolinaCoast who has a knack for creating rooms that have real-world elegance.She has transformed hundreds ofhigh end homes along the coast, with aspecial focus on designs, renovations and decorations in primaryresidences, second homes and condominiums. Grigg creates living spacesthat are genteel, welcoming, comfortable, and authentically expressiveof the people living in them. As she delivers real-world elegance, sheworks to ensure that her efforts reflect each client’s individuality.Grigg is the owner of Knotting Hill Fabrics, Gifts, and Interiors, aretail gift and home furnishings store in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
In addition to being a successful interior designer with a multi-milliondollar enterprise, Grigg is a wife and mother of six children, adopted,blended and biological.