College Of Charleston and Export-Import Bank of the US to Offer Trade Finance and Insurance Product Seminar on December 7, 2010
October 21, 2010CHARELSTON, SC – The Global Business Resource Center (GBRC), in the College of Charleston’s School of Business, and the Export-Import Bank of the United States are partnering on Tuesday, December 7, 2010, to offer small- to medium-sized exporters a training seminar on the trade finance and insurance products and services offered by the Ex-Im Bank. In 2009, the GBRC became the second of two Ex-Im Bank City/State Marketing Partners in South Carolina.
The Working Capital Guarantee and Export Credit Insurance programs will be covered in the morning sessions. The Ex-Im Bank’s southeastern regional officers will offer one-on-one breakout sessions with individual exporters from 1PM to 2:30PM. (You must sign up in advance for a breakout session appointment. Each appointment will last about 20 minutes.)
The seminar will be held in Room 202 of the Tate Center at 5 Liberty Street, on the College of Charleston campus. Check-in will begin at 8:30 AM and there will be a one-hour break for lunch from noon to 1PM. There is a nominal $20.00 fee to register for the seminar. For more information, or to reserve your spot for the seminar, please email Kathryn Banks at [email protected] by December 3, 2010. Space is limited for this event.