IT-ology aims to grow tech workforce

February 2, 2018

Addressing South Carolina’s information technology “talent gap” is the mission of IT-ology, a Columbia-based nonprofit working to attract, retain and educate citizens about the IT profession. Capital Rotarians were briefed on those efforts during a Fifth Wednesday meeting with IT-ology staffers (from left in photo Lauren Wells, Kristy McLean and Bonnie Kelly).

The Palmetto State has:

(1) a limited pool of trained, experienced potential IT employees;

(2) an insufficient number of students in IT classes;

(3) women and minorities underrepresented in the profession;

(4) a high demand for more cybersecurity professionals;

(5) a need for a statewide culture that encourages innovators and entrepreneurs; and

(6) a need for workers with more “soft skills” like communication, collaboration, teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking and negotiation.

IT-ology says the key to answering these needs includes more pre-K-12th grade programs, expanded technical college outreach, teacher professional development and IT career development seminars. Capital Rotary’s Fifth Wednesday program substitutes local field trips to sites like IT-ology in place of a regular club meeting.