Temporary closure of trail section in Cleveland Park

July 26, 2019

Beginning Tuesday, July 30, a section of the trail along Lakehurst Street in Cleveland Park will be closed to allow crews to begin work on the final stage of the Cleveland Park Streambank Stabilization Project. The closure is expected to last through September. Detour signs will be in place on either side to guide trail users around the closure. The closure will not affect any planned race events or shelter reservations.

The Cleveland Park Streambank Stabilization Project, which began last summer, is designed to improve water quality through ecological restoration and streambank stabilization. The project limits are from Cleveland Street to the Woodland Way bridge along the Reedy River, as well as a small portion of Richland Creek near the Greenville Zoo. To date, the project scope has included replacing invasive plants with native vegetation, planting hundreds of trees and shrubs and constructing stream enhancement measures. The exposed sanitary sewer pipes within the park were also covered as part of the project. The final stage will focus on the most downstream section of the Reedy River in the park, near the intersection of Woodland Way and Woodland Way Circle.