Over $3 million available to end homelessness

August 9, 2019

Applications for the 2019 HUD Continuum of Care Completion due August 29

United Way of the Midlands, lead agency for the Midlands Area Consortium for the Homeless (MACH), invites current and new partners to submit applications for the 2019 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care Competition.

HUD requires local Continuum of Cares (CoCs) to establish deadlines for project application and notification of inclusion in the overall Consolidated Application. Important information can be found on HUD Exchange: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/coc/.

All potential renewals, HMIS and new applications must be ranked. Planning grant funds, which support MACH infrastructure, are not ranked. Please read carefully the HUD 2019 NOFA for details on eligible activities. The following information and timeline for submissions of new and renewal requests will help CoCs to plan their submissions.

The funds available for 2019 will be granted to three different categories of requests as outlined below:

• $3,025,950: Available for currently funding projects seeking renewal and new applications created via reallocation
• $357,890: Available as set-aside for new Domestic Violence service provider projects
• $178,945: Available for new bonus projects
The process and deadlines for local submissions are provided below.

Information for a Complete Application:

1. Submit your Project Application via e-snaps: https://esnaps.hud.gov/grantium/frontOffice.jsf
2. Please do not contact any jurisdictions to obtain Certification of Consistency (form HUD-2991). That will be organized by United Way of the Midlands staff on behalf of MACH and applicant.
3. Complete the MACH 2019 Continuum of Care Application Supplement with required attachments. Access the following link in order to complete the application supplement: https://midlandshomeless.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d1ea3217bb787872637c9f375&id=f625323d44&e=743d34ad32
4. CoCs are responsible for emailing the Supplemental Form and attachments to [email protected].
5. CoCs and any sub-grantees must be in good standing and an active member of MACH.
6. NOTE: The Ranking Committee may request additional information outside of e-snaps and the Application Supplement to better understand agency and project capacity, need, and readiness.


• July 19, 2019: HUD NOFA Workshop 10 am at 1818 Blanding Street, Columbia
• August 29, 2019 – Project Applications due via e-snaps and CoC Supplemental Application due to [email protected]
• August 30, 2019 – All Project Applications posted for public review
• September 13, 2019 – Ranking Committee results are posted on MACH’s website and applicants notified of inclusion in Consolidated Application, amounts and ranking. Notification will be made outside of e-snaps.
• September 28, 2019 – Priority Ranking and Consolidated Application posted for public review
• September 30, 2019 – Consolidated Application due to HUD

To learn more about MACH, please visit www.midlandshomeless.com.


About United Way of the Midlands

United Way of the Midlands is the most collaborative, efficient and accountable model for investing in the improvement of the Midlands community. With nearly 65 Community Impact Partners, United Way works to identify and respond to the critical human service needs of Calhoun, Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg and Richland counties. Funds are raised through workplace campaigns, grant writing and individual donations and are directed to fight for causes including childhood literacy, economic mobility and dental and eye care for those without resources. For more information, please visit www.uway.org.

About Midlands Area Consortium for the Homeless

The Midlands Area Consortium for the Homeless (known as ‘MACH’) was formed in the early 1990’s as a grassroots organization to advocate for funding to address homelessness. Through collaboration, MACH has grown to include over 50 partner members with the mission of expanding capacity to address homelessness within the Midlands counties of Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland and York. MACH is a federally funded Continuum of Care and for more than 20 years, has been helping individuals obtain stable housing and employment and education necessary to become self-sufficient. For more information, please visit www.midlandshomeless.com.