Able SC and Kelly Mill Med Pro Middle School to host Diversity Day focusing on disability awareness

October 24, 2019

Able South Carolina will partner with Kelly Mill Med Pro Middle School to bring their students a diversity day focused on disability awareness on Nov. 1.

Able SC will spend the day with nearly 1,000 middle school students to change perceptions and challenge stereotypes about people with disabilities. Students will get to ask questions to a panel of young adults with disabilities, learn about disability rights history, and take an up-close look at assistive technology that allows people with disabilities to live independently.

“This is a really great opportunity to showcase disability in so many different positive lights,” said Paige Maxwell, director of youth transition programs at Able SC, “which is an angle that you don’t often get to see in the mainstream. An entire school body of students will spend a day with individuals of all different disabilities, ages, races and other intersections to explore disability as diversity.”

Kelly Mill Med Pro is a middle school with a STEAM focus. This is their first diversity day celebration, which includes a week of learning and festivities surrounding all of the different intersecting identities people hold: race, gender, disability, and more. Able SC, a non-profit center for independent living, partnered with the middle school to introduce their mission of empowering independence and inclusion for people with disabilities at a young age. This Diversity Day is the first of what may become an annual event.


About Able South Carolina

Able SC is a change agent committed to fostering an inclusive society that empowers individuals with disabilities to live fully-engaged and self-directed lives. Able SC is an organization led by individuals with disabilities that challenges stereotypes, protects disability rights, and champions social reform. To learn more about Able SC’s programs and services, please visit